My Voice by Blanca Garza

My Voice 

My world teeters 
but I will not fall

I'm standing here
tall and proud 
No matter what 
life throws at me 

I'm making my own path 
with the stones 
that I stumble on

Will not follow the crowd 

My dreams could be
scattered by the wind 
like pieces of a dandelion 

But if I can touch a heart 
with my words, if I can 
make someone think 
twice before they act,
then my work wasn't in vain.

Although I cannot see
the rest of the way,
I keep going, always forward,
stepping strongly, raising dust.

Leaving my mark along the path 
Always with my head up
never looking down 
Getting up if I fall.

Sowing kindness and love 
for if someday I have 
to take a step back

I'll never give up 
Holding my dream tight, 
It won't matter if I 
make my hands bleed

My writing is my voice 
and it will remain 
when I'm gone.

Bio: Blanca Alicia Garza is from Las Vegas, Nevada. She is a nature and animal lover, and enjoys spending time writing. Some of her poems are published in the Poetry Anthology, "Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze", now available at Blanca's published work can be viewed at The Poet Community, Whispers, The Winamop Journal, Indiana Voice Journal, Tuck Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review as well as Birdsong Anthology 2016, Vol 1.


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